and now for something completely different

Decided to try my land legs. Jeff and Spencer both say so-long, “you have fun on your jog”, as they bee-line for Foxy’s, the nearest watering hole from the dinghy dock. Consulting a google map my route looked rather flat and benign but in reality it wasn’t a jog. Not even a walk; it was a huff and puff steep incline hike. Surfaced and maintained road ended abruptly although still passible with a sport ute in low gear under dry conditions. I had the hillsides to myself. Just me and the wild goats. I was surprised to encounter them as were they and they took off like deer. That was fine by me. For a brief standoff moment as both sides analyzed threat, I wasn’t sure that one of them dominant and fearless might not charge and headbutt me off the hill.

The restauranteur, at the Ali Baba’s described how she’d like to capture some if these and make use. I explained that would be futile. I couldn’t even close in for a camera shot.

We are in the harbor after sailing most of yesterday. Upon arriving at Jost Van Dyke, the 3rd largest in the BVI chain we made directly for White Bay named for its sand beach of the same color. They don’t allow dinghy boats on the beachhead so the only way, and this is their claim to fame, is to swim for it. The destination: The Soggy Dollar Bar. Can you guess why they call it that? We empty everything else from our clothing pockets and off we went. Spencer sampled their famous ‘Pain Killer’. Word has it that 3.2 of these drinks equals — naked. No debauchery but it was the closest to Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean thus far.

Whelp, time to rustle up some breakfast and today one without the clean-up ordeal. We are lazy islanders today staying put. Well, perhaps a Dive excursion for sure.

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