BVI — return to Tortola

The weather had become unsettled yesterday as we ended our sail for the afternoon. There were distant storms and associated thunder could be heard. However we were safely able to gain the shelter of Little Harbor, our intended stop, and enjoy the rest of the evening dinning a shore at Harris’ Place before returning to LILIA when rain finally arrived.

Spencer had the idea to stand bare chested in the cockpit receiving the full effect of the falling moisture. Call it a fresh water rinse off but I think his plan was to enjoy the sensation of cold — something hard to achieve in the tropics. I joined him but less boldly by donning Dede’s new (and graciously lent) yellow rain slicker. I stood there Capt’ Ahab ish, even taking a lap around slippery deck during the pelting getting an idea what it would be like to adjust rigging or change a sail in the dark harshness.

A personal achievement for me earlier was to set sail SOLO and trim them during our departure from Green Cay. Realize that Spencer was ably standing by and that instead of lashing down the wheel I was able to use the auto helm which maintained a roughly into the wind heading as I raised the main. The jib has roller furling which greatly simplified that task. Even still, juggling the halyard and lines is serious multitasking single handed. Yo ho ho ho a sailors life for me…

Spencer and I tried the Scuba at a site called The Playground but it was rather boorish. After awhile one reef begins to look like the other reef. I’ve been quietly hoping to see some really big fish but the water is probably too shallow. We did see some nudists from another charter “free” diving as we flippered past. Or maybe she was just a mermaid?

I’m starting to become this sea life style. Time for this one to come home!

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