I experienced the worst landing of my career on the flight home last night. No, it wasn’t one of mine, I was in 14D 🙂 Usually when the pilot plants-one-on people will snicker or the FA will make some wise crack on the PA announce on the taxi in. But this was beyond embarrassment. The fellow across the aisle gave a short shout when we hit. The aircraft’s tail skid struck the tarmack and made a most gruesome rasp. ‘nough said. Full spine compression. My neck hurt.
This is a former secretary to a personal injury attorney speaking. I encourage you to immediately notify the airline carrier concerning the full spinal compression and neck hurt you experienced as a consequence of the rough landing, thereby assuring there is an official record of the mishap –just as you would do had your vehicle experienced a major jolt from another vehicle, rather than your body experiencing a major jolt from an air craft.
Naw, I’m okay. But I’m concerned for the airframe. We must have trailed a shower of sparks.