cockpit protection… The last line of defense is an F16 fighter interceptor that will shoot you down. In light of this unpleasent concept, the pilots’ grassroots effort to arm the crew has gained momentum as of late. A year ago their leader said that ‘pilots can’t be both SKY KING and WYATT EARP all at the same time’, but now he is under pressure to change his mind.
No-way. I can’t think of a single scenario which will allow this to ever happen. There are two methods of implementation, neither of which are any good. The pilot could carry, but this makes him a target. If the bad guy knows he’s packing; they just lay for him in an empty restroom and get his weapon (and uniform and ID while they’re at it) Now you have a gun in the wrong hands INSIDE the supposedly secure terminal area. If a pilot is standing in line at the terminal Starbucks, he can’t / won’t be consistently checking his 6 o’clock for someone trying to jump him. The other option is to mount the pistol(s) on the flight bulkhead – ‘in case of trouble – break glass’ style. The problem with it is that it would be difficult to maintain a chain of custody. An aircraft parked RON is unattended. A gun will eventually go missing. When reported the outcome will mean that the terminal(s) will be evacuated and other aircraft departing or departed recalled or diverted.
There are too many unsolveable loose end concerns. The vision of a pilot settled in during enroute flight and whipping out a six shooter for show n’ tell with the pilot beside him conjures ‘wild wild west’ up front. The customers will NOT want to ride.