Category Archives: cars

EV Trip Planning

Planning a trip in an Electric Vehicle (EV) is very similar to fuel planning for a cross-country in light aircraft. Before undertaking a journey you want to know enroute conditions, access performance data, locate fuel stops, have an alternate or a backup plan. EV range, like aircraft range is limited. Fuel stops are few and far between for either. The consequences of miscalculation for either can be serious. If you have aviation experience you will grasp the range planning concept readily.

The variables that can affect range, i.e. shorten or lengthen are:

  • speed
  • road surface
  • temperature
  • wind
  • elevation change

There are other factors to consider exclusive to the EV such as cabin comfort; heating or cooling (HVAC) uses energy from the battery whereas a light aircraft uses waste energy from combustion exhaust manifolding to provide heat. A battery electric vehicle will suffer from some degree of vampire drain and parasitic energy losses -0.3 range miles for each clock hour vehicle moving or stationary.  Wheel and Tire design choices influence rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag. Passenger windows open vs closed can alter aerodynamics.

By far the biggest consideration is speed because of wind resistance. Drag is proportional to the square of speed,  and the power needed to overcome that drag is proportional to the cube of speed so if you want to go twice as fast, you’ll have to be eight times more powerful.  The following table shows percentage corrections to rated range and is based on driver reports and manufacturer guidelines.

45mph +26%
55 + 8%
60 100% of EPA rated range (at 70 degrees with miniscule HVAC)
65 – 8%
75 -26%
Headwinds can create significant energy penalty. Consider a headwind or tailwind component by using the speed table above. e.g. Your speedometer indicates 60 mph but you experience a 15 mph headwind — the transparent wind is 75 mph for a 26% reduction in range.
Optional: Hypermiling techniques, e.g. drafting a truck or inter-city bus +15% 
Optional: Large diameter ascetic wheel rims with very low profile tires -6%
Optional: Passenger windows lowered at cruising speed -4%
Note that all of the range penalties are cumulative.

The following table describes range corrections percentages to allow for road surface:
Clear and dry 100% of rated range
Wet roadway – 2%
Standing water -10%
Light snow -15%
Heavy snow -25%
This next table shows range penalties caused by temperature with respect to comfort and battery control. EVs must maintain an ideal temperature range for the economics of battery longevity.

HVAC referencing the outside air temperature (OAT)

15 -25%  at full blast, HVAC pulls about 7.5kW — battery heating is ncessary
32 -13% pre-heat the cabin if possible and then reduce cabin heat temp and use seat heaters. Optional cabin heat switched off (Brrrrrr) but still need battery heat -8%
50 – 7%
70 100% of rated range (HVAC on, but barely in use i.e. vent only)
100 – 7%
120 -13% there is energy draw for battery cooling in extreme


Mountain -10 miles  in lost range for each 1000′ of Rise
Mountain +4 miles recovered range for each 1000′ of Descent
With experience a proficient driver can relax, put the sliderule down and properly estimate range by allowing a fudge factor. A general rule is to only count on 2/3rds of your advertised rated range. Planning a charge stop in this way, while conservative, will eliminate range anxiety. Also, there are calculators which will perform the math after you input certain values just as there are aircraft dispatchers who can do your flight planning. If you understand the principles explained here and dare I say enjoy working through the solutions then you might find aviation an easy transition. The mechanics are the same.

charging etiquette

The more cars at the gas pumps in a filling station the lower the pressure. i.e. unleaded may flow more slowly due to reduced pressure.  A Tesla Supercharger station is similar but first — how the Supercharger Station is engineered:

  1. The utility transformers...
  2. The 480 Volt disconnect switches and circuit breakers...
  3. The charge controller cabinets. Each of these is as light beige in color, is about 24 inches wide, and has a large hooded cooling air duct in the back. Each Supercharger Cabinet contains 12, identical, modular chargers that are the same as the one or two chargers in an MS [model S]. The ones being installed currently can put out a total of 120 kW DC, shared between 2 charging stalls…
  4. The pedestals (arches) at each charging stall.The pedestals at each charging stall are fed by the Supercharger cabinets and are where you find that nice, big cable and connector to plug into your MS. They are usually numbered 1A/1B, 2A/2B, etc. The numbers indicate the Supercharger Cabinet used, and the letters denote the pair of stalls serviced by each cabinet. The usual layout is 1A, 2A, … 1B, 2B, … This means that adjacent stalls are on different Supercharger Cabinets. If you want to make sure that you are getting maximum charging power, try to make sure that the paired stall (e.g. 1A paired with 1B) is not in use. If both charging stalls are in use, then priority is given to the first car to arrive, and the second car to arrive gets what’s left over.

The takeaway here is that the 120kW charge rate is a perfect case situation. If others are on the same Teat your rate of flow will vary [lower].

the early adopters

Tesla Model S has a mid year production update which means that if you took delivery before X date your unit has been superseded by something better. This can be expected with any leading edge technology but has the tendency to upset the early adopters. Remember ordering your first Pentium PC only to see the Pentium II intro mere months later rendering your box obsolete? Or smart phone, or tablet or…

First production vehicles are limited to a 90kW rate of charge. These cars have “A” batteries. Word gets out that updated “B” batteries, with the bragging rights of a 120kW hour charging rate have been incorporated into production. Somewhat unfairly, Tesla led folks to misunderstand that the higher charge rate would be enjoyed by everyone after a routine Firmware Upgrade which turned out not to be the case. Suddenly everyone is on their knees to look at the underbelly of their pride and joy to glimpse a factory VIN label battery_model_VIN_example proclaiming which batteries are installed with hopes that it will say “B”. Some are disappointed. Others find both letters mix and matched. Evidently there may have been a 4 month span when the new batter was ready but there were plenty of the “A” batteries still in inventory. Unfortunately those folks are also limited to the lower standard. Some people have newer car VINs with older style and some owners older VINs with the newer type leading to additional bewilderment.

This charge rate thing is meaningful. If you’ve spent luxury car money and your available time has considerable value, your wait at the charging station is measurable. The higher charge rate ability will get you back on the road perhaps 5-10 minutes before the Tesla owner with the lower limit. He might be left grumbling as you both pit stop and you are able to speed away first. This is a new world to understand. Those of us still consuming petrol don’t give a second thought to refueling. The Tesla owner when away from home base will strive to locate and use a Tesla SuperCharger location and by the way, Tesla’s deal is to provide a network of stations and make the energy available without cost to driver (as in FREE).

It becomes an interesting study in behavior as those first in line to buy the new car must have known that the original design, as wonderful as it is, was bound to be improved upon and enhanced over time.

… and after

1-IMG_6165The fuel sending unit cleaned up nicely. An overnight solvent bath dissolved away the crud and freed the shaft. Unfortunately, the acetone melted the insulator spacers on the terminal posts. I sourced substitutes made of nylon to replace them.

A partial disassembly revealed  the innards and some fine wire too delicate to probe further. But it is interesting to see how it operates. I borrowed a multi-meter for an operational check and it appears serviceable.  The cork gasket which seals the underside of the sending unit attachment flange to the tank is too far gone to serve as a template so I will trace a pattern on paper. Hopefully all of this will seal properly without seepage or weepage when installed.

Fuel Sending Unit

1-IMG_6157Unearthed from the fuel tank, this piece looks like it has been salvaged from the sea floor. It is (or was) the business end of the fuel sending unit. The metal rod, partially in view, is connected to a plastic float at the extreme end. This float will bob up or down and mechanically position the arm as the fuel level changes. That pivot point, behind the gruesome mess, is locked up solid. I will attempt to chip away the corrosion and free the shaft.  Peering into the tank itself revealed no similar horrors.  Plenty of debris and rust but no stalactites or stalagmites artefacts.  It will need to be boiled out.

Value Added

20130921-141315.jpg A professional restorer would be delighted to find these markings. Scribbled  50 years ago by a factory worker; they served as a production note during assembly. The markings have been accidentally preserved by a patina of dirt and petroleum grime. Best I can tell the red painted notation was applied when the tank was stockpiled as it displays upside down as installed. There are other remnant yellow dabs of paint here or there.  A simple brush stroke that indicates that a fitting was checked for tightness or inspected in some way. These original markings will be lost when the tank is rejuvenated with a fresh black protective coat and that is one of the issues with restoration: originality is lost.  It sounds anal, but a dedicated restorer would document these glyphics* and, following the refurbish ,  take steps to re-create them just as they were, thus preserving authenticity.

* guess translation is that ” 128 CA” meant that this fuel tank was intended for a particular application and is shorthand for W128 an internal factory designator for this production series. I can speculate that “CA” is short for Cabriolet.

Progress means stamped numbers and barcodes are applied which can be  scanned and tracked like a parcel  or airline luggage. Just as well — in case we can’t read his writing.

A Smoking Gun

20130920-154745.jpgTank Drain Plug: fuel screen clogged with varnish

20130920-154759.jpgTank Drain Plug: fuel screen cleaned and restored

This is a pre-filter. It is intended to protect the fuel pump and fuel lines from large debris — trash that might have fallen into the tank during refueling. There is a baffle in the lower part of the tank, a false floor, creating a collector. The plug has dual threads. The top set of threads seals against the bottom of the main container. Fuel enters the screen and exits an orifice (below the top set of threads) and into the collector area. Fuel is drawn from the collector by pump.

Ageing gasoline eventually  blocked this screen effectively choking any and all fuel flow. And, this is the reason why the engine ceased running. Its discovery was an ah hah moment.

Long Term Effects

The contents were fresh 15 years ago and by today’s date, way past expiration. Old gas, while still flammable, will no longer combust reliably in an engine and will coat fuel systems with residue and varnish; in other words — gum up the works.


A 22mm Hex Key socket inserted bottom of tank to unscrew drain plug. It was a nice thought that the engineers included one. Bean counters found out and you never see this feature anymore as you can imagine it is one that is seldom called for. I was concerned I would not be able to loosen it as threaded fittings have a tendency to seize. If the original was over torqued or there is rust corrosion then it might be impossible to remove. Steel tank but the plug is brass with an aluminum washer so no rust but dissimilar metals can still create problems. An extension arm (cheater bar) on this tool provided sufficient leverage to break it loose.

The discolored, stale, stinky gas and can be properly disposed of…

Draining the tank

New Bling

The Parts Advisor at the Classic Center informs by email that the desired replacement Trunk Emblem estimate is $$$ (wow) and confides that upon clicking — send that he “turned to his co-worker and quipped; we’ll never hear from THAT guy again…”

I can confirm that automobile restoration is a rich man’s hobby, but this old car is incomplete without this star piece (eclipsed only by the hood ornament).

Not convinced that my queried trim item is NOS or a reproduction. Short of melting metal and casting myself, the alternative would be to locate a donor car in a salvage yard that has not already given up its shiny bits. Not likely as 20 – 30 years will have elapsed.

When they FedEx, I trust that they will insure with care.

Getting Fuel







Lurking beneath the trunk floor mat is the wiring for the fuel sending unit. One wire to the fuel quantity gauge and one for the low fuel warning light. A 3rd wire, upper right, is for grounding. The 5 securing nuts with washers removed without grief as there was no corrosion on the threads but the unit itself will not separate from the fuel tank. Its cork gasket has bonded itself to the tank top.

Disconnecting these wires is only one step in the fuel tank removal. The fuel filler neck hose coupling, expansion line, fuel feed and fuel return lines all have to be detached. Finally there are 3 mounting bolts securing the tank to the chassis frame to be loosened.

The objective is to drain the stale gasoline that has deteriorated during long term storage. Residual varnish and gum must be flushed before fresh gas can be added, necessitating its removal.  And, after the tank has been dropped down I can better access that “glued on” sending unit and restore a fresh gasket.