Category Archives: cars

Pushing the Envelope

The wait for the Level 2 charge to finish wasn’t that entertaining so in an effort to minimize the sit time I calculated an absolute bare minimum charge.

Caution: Before attempting this stunt, realize that any detour or missed turn will put you at risk.

The challenge was to traverse the mapped out 80 miles and arrive with at least some energy left in reserve. So, I stopped the charge at 93. I figured the 3 bonus miles for my own inefficiencies or for squandering. The 10 miles on top of the 80 was for cushion. Dipping into this minimal reserve would be a Fail.

To achieve a 1:1 exchange of battery range miles for map miles required reduced speed (55), Cruise Control On, HVAC off (Brrrr) — basically wearing knit cap, gloves, and coat jacket while watching the traffic whizz past in the fast lane.

A good monitoring method is to compare predicted range remaining with distance to go. Subtract the map distance from the reported range every few miles or so. This mental arithmetic will keep you alert to a growing or shrinking reserve. If you discover your reserve to be dwindling then further adjust speed.

Interstate 10 through Louisiana is flat and this was cooberated by the realtime energy graph display which was flatlined. This is rare to see for me seeing that the Eastern states have hills always. I felt emboldened with my 3 bonus miles, one of which disappeared early on for some reason, to try an experiment. This was spurred on by the cold tingly feeling in my toes 🙂 Wanting to see the energy consumption diff I switched on the heat. The increase was marked at 50 WH/mi. I had to switch it off, too big a hit, but was able to run the seat warmer on lo in lieu of.

I was able to arrive with the 10 miles intact. This exercise was good experience but ordinarily 30 as a hold back is a good practice.

Close but not quite

I left Biloxi with a Range Charge (260 rated miles) with the Supercharger in Lake Charles (265 miles) as target. It’s frustrating that this stop is just out of reach. A mid route stop in Lafayette will permit the journey on this thin leg. I focused on Moss Motors, a BMW dealership that is friendly to EVs furnishing a Level 2 charger for public use. BMW has an EV offering of their own; the i3, an example of which is featured on the showroom floor here.

There was some uncertainty over this last chance charge option. Would their system be operational? Would it be blocked? Would they co-operate knowing that I’m driving a competitive brand?

Charging now with a flow rate of 6kW. Computing the wait at 2 1/2 hours all for the mere 50 mile extension needed. Comfy waiting in the BMW showroom though.


Zone of Darkness

They haven’t connected the dots between Louisiana and Alabama quite yet. In fact, there are no public charge station along this gulf route at all! However, RV Parks ( the kind that cater to 5th wheel trailers and self propelled Coaches ) have energy. The facility that I chose is clean, secure, was highly rated AND they furnished a 50 amp hookup. It is a standard MEMA 15-40 setup.

The rate of charge is about 28 miles for every hour so the car will be plugged in all night. I could have found my way to a hotel down the street but since I’m paying $38 for the assigned space, I will maximize this value and try ‘Car Camping’.


mObridge for the Cayenne radio head unit

The mObridge instruction manual that explains operation is a bit convoluted so follows is a step by step walk through.

Insert key into ignition switch.
This will supply power to the radio head unit.
Turn on the radio (if it wasn’t already on).
Wait for the radio to boot and then wait for
an additional 15 seconds as it will throw
the following error:

Press the button to clear the error.

If the radio head unit is not displaying
this screen then press the Audio
button (step 1) to display it.

Press the CD button (step 2).

The CD screen will be presented.

Note that you will want to be on CD 6
as shown above. The CD 12345 are

If this is not the case then push the
button (shown below) to select
‘CD List’ … then rotate the button

until you arrive at the Menu/Aux Audio
line choice. Now press the button once
more to select that option.

The following screen will display next.

Press and hold the ‘ >> ‘ keypad button
to ‘ exit lock mode ‘. You will see
CD 12345 go to grayed.

Now you may plug in your iPod to the
iPod cable if desired.

Button 3 on the keypad is used to
select the Audio src (source)

There are three choices for source:
Aux (analog cable headphone jack)
A2DP (bluetooth digital playback)
iPod (digital iPod cable)

Select the source that you want by
pressing and holding the ‘ >> ‘ keypad
for 2 seconds until the source changes.
Then release. If you want a different
source then repeat the procedure.
Hint: If you didn’t hold the button in long enough
the source might not change as desired.
Instead the ‘ >> ‘ keypad button will scroll
out of ‘Audio src’. So, press keypad 3 to try again.

as Guest

The road trip pauses to enjoy the hospitality of good friends at their lovely home in the Atlanta burbs. I borrow the wall outlet being used by the workshop wood lathe in the garage. This requires a special adapter for my EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) which adds a dongle to interface with this particular socket. Following a DYI allowed fabrication in advance of the visit.

This socket is 220v but 15 amp rated. I’m able to pull nearly 4kW from it. This not the most efficient setup; the onboard chargers like 10kW and can take up to 20kW. A 40 amp circuit would provide the 10kW which would allow for a faster overnight charge but I’m happy for the convenience on this location as the typical household outlet is only 115v. Thank you gracious host & hostess for the juice!


Public Charger Etiquette

A smartphone app acknowledges with an IM when charging is complete. Even though it was late at night and unlikely that there would be additional patrons, I popped downstairs to the hotel garage to assess. I know that when I rolled in yesterday there was trepidation over availability. Not wanting to be that guy who thinks that the charge stall is his personal park spot, I was prepared to move and free the space. Luckily the opposite station was still open and I could remain. The EV was able to complete by 06:30 a cell balancing self maintenance.

Rappora developer Hint: An app that would alert the current (no pun intended) user when there is someone else in queue would be ideal.

End Point

Transiting a dark zone. The last stop was a fast DC charger in North Carolina but the only energy option from there until Atlanta are Level 2 chargers. These are scattered about many communities and work well for adding a few miles to an EV for travel that is local. A J1772 Level 2 charger outputs at 6 kW per hour. At that rate it will take 10+ hours to achieve a full state. This compares to only 75 minutes at the fast charger back in NC.

The South Carolina hotel I’ve chosen features 2 charge stations in their parking garage. I will explore their historic district on foot, have supper, and rest up for tomorrow’s journey continuation. The vehicle is plugged in and will be ready again by early morning.


Cold Leg

Dipped into my safety reserve because of higher than normal energy usage. Pre-planning for 70 MPH, a 13% negative , cold weather consumed another 6% and that was with the cabin heat switched off.

I shall allow for this on the next leg by reducing speed at least during the early going. Once I see that distance to go balances with range available I can resume a regular rate.

Care and feeding

Even with a garage temp of 45, the OAT Is 19 degrees and the traction battery is marginalized. The battery does not like cold. Observe the yellow dashed lines. These appear during these conditions so as to limit maximum current draw and maximum regeneration, either of which challenges the battery. Normal use creates heat. There is an electric element to provide auxiliary heat if required. When things get up to temp the limiters recede. In the pursuit of battery longevity we see how the system looks after itself.IMG_7546


Dropping the fuel tank reveals a clean area protected from dirt and grime over time and from well meaning painters. The metal surface shows the factory finish — semi-gloss black. Knowing this, I will be able to scrape and sand and restore the undersides in original color.

clean area
clean area