CSPAN2 was not programmed on my remote. I never gave it a thought. But I have been alerted that it may be worth my while to tune in. And it’s true (thanks Mom!) that BOOK-TV has potential. I watched and interesting review with author Jennet Conant, and her book Tuxedo Park: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II . On the other hand came next was a real downer. Some scholar from Johns Hopkins speaking before a group of scholars about a book he had written about a scholar. Booorrriinng. I switched over to Discovery Channel and learned what to do/not to do when confronted by Black Bear. Rule No. 1: Never turn tail and run away. This only serves to confirm, in the mind of the beast, that you are no longer a threat but PREY! He is likely to charge and run you down. Try and back out of the situation slowly. Literally walk backwards. Avoid eye contact. Some folks have tried removing trail packs and flinging them off to the side hoping that the bear creature would become confused or distracted perhaps takeing a greater interest in the food stuffs therein. Bad idea. You want that pack strapped to your backside where it will serve as protective barrier between you and teeth and claws (see playing dead). Do not squat down or lay down. Only play dead as a last resort — if the bear has already let you have it. Pepper spray seemed a terrific defense…
So much information right to my armchair via the remote.