Fixing one thing can make something else worse (If it ain’t broke don’t fix it?). B.O.U.R.Girl, in attempt to keep her car free of hair and paw prints, spread a garage blanket in the tailgate of the Pacifica so dawg could ride along. As she laid this out there sprang from the security of the folds a mighty cock-roach who stunned by the bright of day lingered for a moment and then made a bee line for the louvers of our car’s return air vent. The creature was irretrievably slurped from view to lurk from somewhere amongst the inner environmental workings. “Where does that vent go?” she asked disgustedly. “Directly to the driver’s seat!”, not resisting an obvious tease. I suppose I could have put on a proper show and emptied a can of roach motel down that vent. Too late in hind sight. That critter has surely made his way to the front vents by now.