
(on holiday 😮 this is a repeat blog from a year ago)

Had some challenges with the boat out of winter storage. I had taken the the engine driven Sherwood pump off for inspection but when I put it back on I got it 180 degrees out of sync. That is, it was blowing instead of sucking. I found this out when I launched and it was only a matter of minutes before the rubber impeller destructed, turning to blue smoke and stink vaporized out the tailpipe. Ooops! Day 1 lost.

Second fiasco: having rebuilt and sorted out the raw water pump, day 2 was looking hopeful when the battery went flat. Uugghh! Luckily a fisherman on the ramp obliged to help. He had a set of jump cables in his Blazer and since he was single-handling (and also launching his boat for the 1st time this season) I tended his craft for him while he put his trailer in the parklot. When I finally got up and running the water was a “tad” chilly yet. Spencer and I both did the wakeboard thing once before we lost daylight.

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