[buh-wah-hah-hah!] [screams!] I’ve seen him join in the chase nipping at the rear, excited, but in THIS case he thrust himself in my path, a bodyblock, and barked with teeth flashing. Not menacing with curled lips and eye contact but with j u u ust enough incentive for me to say whoa and suck my tender parts out of harms way. I was effectively halted. I had given pursuit, an old play game chasing HD girl through a living room loop, just like in earlier years but when she was slow to escape. HD girl can outrun dear ol’ dad now however she clipped her ankle on the old wooden antique as she fled passed (but kept shrieking and laughing despite). Dawg, sensing the gimp, smelled blood too and that’s when he interjected the wierding. I didn’t know that he had it in him! Man’s Girl’s best friend!
Finally, doing his job!!!