Category Archives: cars

da bomb

Sue, across from us was wringing her hands. Her daughter’s old Blazer 4 x 4, now derelict and since replaced by a newer ride, died and has been stationary in the driveway for weeks. The cost to tow and repair said beater would likely exceed its residual worth. She cranked the worn V-6 which sputtered but spewed raw fuel from a split in cracked and rotted fuel hose line. Sue asked if it’s okay to drive and I replied yeah — so long as nobody flicks a cigarette butt your way at an intersection stop light 😉 Do you feel lucky? (said with Clint Eastwood impersonation). I knew it would be an easy fix. But I kept that to myself, not keen on making a parts run to the Pep Boys nor crawling under the belly of the beast for a guaranteed dowsing of fuel. We discussed scenarios and I walked (ran) away.

By the end of the day, however, S’man and I rose to the challenge and had it fixed. It became a father and son project. Conveniently, a section of NOS fuel line from a previous repair was discovered in my garage. My idea was that he’d do the work and I’d supervise. The job required cutting out the old fuel filter with exacto, screw driver, clamps, and a flash light. A third hand (mine) was used to plug the dike while splicing in two new hose sections. Very low hassle factor, as it turns out, but I was right about the other. We both totally reek of gas.

No mind. The fumes will dissipate in a few days. Sue and her daughter loaded us up with praise, gratitude, admiration, and some leftover baked lasagna dinner.


It began with so much delight and excitement. We were careful to select one (6 miles on the odo) that had not been demonstrated or hot rodded by lot boyz. Since the selling dealer was over a hundred miles away, we took the train — a rare adventure happening in itself. We picked up our new wheels and we were tickled. We gave it the TLC.

Now the bloom has blown off and, sad to say, soon it will be split city. Over the months we’ve uncovered it’s defective nature. Hero to zero in 41 months. The factory attempted numerous fixes but never found permanent remedy. Each occurrence resulted in spectacular failure with emergency calls for roadside assist. It is for the courts to decide now, but when it’s all been said and done we will miss the badboy. Every time I hear a train whistle during the still morning hours, I will remember our fun.

local flavor

Not quite sure what to make of this. I asked David what changes had occured since the last time that we had met — keeping in mind that our last visit was in the era of B.C. (before cell phones – PCs, PDAs, GPSs, ETC., circa 1981). Well, vehicular traffic has intensified and a park spot is somewhat harder to find… At some point you’d think that the governing sanction would limit or CAP the number of automobiles at some number ‘X’ g-zillion. This island is a finite space, afterall. I like England’s answer to return London from gridlock. Here is a local solution: It’s a 3rd world moped for two and it makes a nice open taxi. Observe the trainer wheels! Not sure if seat belts are standard 😉


I got a personal viewing and a crawl thru of a Maybach Saloon this afternoon. Don’t know when I’ll see my next one, my banker was out of town… More Bently than RR Phantom the high end marketplace now has three (all owned by the Germans by the way) from which to choose. Exteremely plush. Somewhat pricey! The most comfortable seat I have ever sat. Definitely has a gangster lean to it with so many intricacies and features to discover. Electric curtains. Suede leather on the panel surfaces. As an aside, I spotted a subtle ripple in the RH Rear fender that didn’t match the overall inspired look of the design. The factory rep ‘fessed up that he’d been rear ended the day before during the delivery. Oh Crud. Maybe I can get a deal on it 😉


B.O.U.R.Girl recommends today’s Dave Barry’s column about muscle cars. Funny guy. Saw an interior shot of the ’04 NEXT generation GTO. First generation ’64 Good ol’ Boy behind the steering wheel has his hand wrapped around the gear shifter like he’s going to slam a speed shift. Noticing the dash and the rest of the modern plastic pieces I realize not a good idea. Everything would shatter disintegrate. The old cars had a massive steel shank by Hurst bolted to an HD truck tranny. You could abuse and live another day. Light ’em up!

Rand ( )

Noticing that some trucks and some trailers have begun appearing with very bright, somewhat distinctive looking light patterns behind their brake/tail light lenses. I believe that I am witness to the new generation LED. Have you seen?

Wondering why automobile mfgrs. as well as aftermarketers haven’t offered an in-dash player that reads MP3 format. CDs are so 90’s. Tape Cassette players — Yawn — Could it be that the specter of the RIAA (and their lawyers)? The engineer/designers fear to act thinking that they expose themselves to being named in download copyright infringement litigation?

Decided: That the Japanese, known to emulate the American and German automotive designs themes, have come up with some unique Japanese chic of their own. The HONDA Element is a notable departure. B.O.Y.R.Girl is going to argue counterpoint but I’ve decided that I like funk. In addition to the Element, I applaud Japanese micro cars for breaking the ‘boring’ mold.

a better way

They don’t make ’em like they used too. It’s true. Whereas my first automobile had metal push rods, bellcranks, and ball and socket joints-a bullet proof method, the new vehicle maximizes the use of plastics and nylon bushings. Petroleum synthetics have their place. They save weight, cost less, maybe conserves environmental resources… The *design* on B.O.U.R.G.’s suv is driving her insane.

Symptom:The accelerator pedal can not be gently depressed without sticking. Rather then operating in a smooth and fluid motion it notches and hangs as if the linkage were kinked or poorly lubricated and is binding. Increasing foot pressure on the pedal overcomes this resistance but then the vehicle, lurches forward.
Repair History: I have been assured by [local shop foreman] that all aspects of the throttle mechanism have been checked and that there is no reason to fear the dread stuck throttle. The gas pedal assembly was replaced during this repair visit. The accelerator/throttle actuating cable was previously replaced on October 18, 2002.

While it works okay if you have a lead foot, the idea is to drive as if there were an egg shell placed between your foot and the pedal. Driver Ed says that fuel economy will be maximized. Time to write a letter.


You’ve seen the LIKE A ROCK (and a hard place) ads where Chevy touts its new Quadrasteer system. The PU truck has rear wheels that toe in – toe out as needed at low speeds to tighten the turning radius. Their demo shows a horse trailer on a ball hitch being maneuvered into a really tight one. Anybody that’s ever wheeled a trailer knows how difficult this can be and that’s with conventional steering. Try backing one up with all wheels articulating. Complex task. Come to think of it, the professional driver / stunt man never demonstrates the entire maneuver… Hmmmm