All posts by cs

trusting sort

We all slid into the hotel shuttle, leaving for the airport at o’dark hundred. Usually it’s just the crew but this morning we shared with a road warrior. The man in the suit leaned forward into the drivers space and retrieved a cell phone and charger from the cigarlighter. As this was unusual he felt compelled to explain: He’d left it from last night to re-charge. The driver politely inquired if his battery was restored now. I interjected, “yeah, but the VAN probably won’t start now…(joke)” I dunno — I like to keep control of my stuff. Pretty amazing that he felt comfortable to leave his high buck Samsung PDA / Wireless in such a public place – downtown no less. The van spends the night out front. I wonder if they even lock it.

a better way

They don’t make ’em like they used too. It’s true. Whereas my first automobile had metal push rods, bellcranks, and ball and socket joints-a bullet proof method, the new vehicle maximizes the use of plastics and nylon bushings. Petroleum synthetics have their place. They save weight, cost less, maybe conserves environmental resources… The *design* on B.O.U.R.G.’s suv is driving her insane.

Symptom:The accelerator pedal can not be gently depressed without sticking. Rather then operating in a smooth and fluid motion it notches and hangs as if the linkage were kinked or poorly lubricated and is binding. Increasing foot pressure on the pedal overcomes this resistance but then the vehicle, lurches forward.
Repair History: I have been assured by [local shop foreman] that all aspects of the throttle mechanism have been checked and that there is no reason to fear the dread stuck throttle. The gas pedal assembly was replaced during this repair visit. The accelerator/throttle actuating cable was previously replaced on October 18, 2002.

While it works okay if you have a lead foot, the idea is to drive as if there were an egg shell placed between your foot and the pedal. Driver Ed says that fuel economy will be maximized. Time to write a letter.

not broken in yet

It was an unpleasant ride during the approach phase this morning. Whoop-t-do, side to side swaying bumps and bobbles due to the unstable air and surface winds at 20 knots gusting 30 spilling over the blueridges. We turned the AC down full cold to help the peeps fight queasy tummies. Our aircraft was *new* just delivered. The 2nd revenue flight leg with yours truly at the controls and my crew and I were wishing / hoping that our shiny one (with the new-plane smell) wouldn’t be trashed by someone getting sick today. Not on my watch! Hold on people we are almost there!

negative sell

The Flight Attendants are here primarily for our safety and we should all take care to be attentive to the safety briefing announcements. Some of the spiel however is inane — the fasten the seat belt demo: insert flat metal plate into the buckle to release lift up on the tab of buckle. Now FAA has included a required snippet about the cockpit door. Ladies and Gentlemen may I direct your attention to the center door in the front of the plane… It is the entrance to the flight deck and will remain secured during the flight. It is unlawful for passengers to access this compartment during the flight… Well, even if someone wanted to they might have a rough time as the new doors are Honeycomb Kevlar and Stainless. Still haven’t figured out the purpose of the brief though. Is it because the government is proud of the new barricade system and wants to take credit in the announcement? Is it to tempt / provoke some one to give it their best shot? Go ahead make my day! I dare ya! It could be that the lawyers want to be sure that it’s clear that a messing with the pilots is a no-no and if therefore anybody foolish enough can be prosecuted more easily. Do we really need to be reminded before each flight that the September 11 perpetrators used this very access method to fundamentally change our nation / world as we knew it? What could the reason be?


Our Hawaiian Island cruise includes a side trip to the Republic of Kiribati, some 850 miles south of the big island and I found out why. Thanks to the Jones Act of 1920, which protects US shipping interests from cabotage: No foreign vessels may begin and end voyages from a US Port without making an international call. The law still stands on the books today and is strictly enforced. Thus, the jaunt to Fanning Island — the closest point. No complaints on this end. Close to the equator, this atoll looks like South Pacific Paradise!

more reading –
geography and history
social economic impact


You’ve seen the LIKE A ROCK (and a hard place) ads where Chevy touts its new Quadrasteer system. The PU truck has rear wheels that toe in – toe out as needed at low speeds to tighten the turning radius. Their demo shows a horse trailer on a ball hitch being maneuvered into a really tight one. Anybody that’s ever wheeled a trailer knows how difficult this can be and that’s with conventional steering. Try backing one up with all wheels articulating. Complex task. Come to think of it, the professional driver / stunt man never demonstrates the entire maneuver… Hmmmm

it’s not nice to fool mother nature

I set off for an afternoon jog just ahead of blackening western sky. Rain clouds were threatening to make it a lost opportunity. Actually, I knew full well that I would get caught out when the storm hit. Clad with running trunks and a baseball cap (with brim to deflect moisture from the eyes) I wasn’t far along before I could hear what sounded like freeway traffic from behind. I swung my head for a glance but saw no cars. Then I realized that the racket was the din of heavy rain overtaking me. I hustled a bit to make the sanctuary of the the tree canopy and cover in the woods Ooops. Too late and it was more than heavy rain. The leading edge of this squall was pelting me with small gauge hail. The attendant lightning and thunder didn’t concern me so much as my imagination of what it would be like if the stinging hail grew to windshield busting size. No where to bail except friend Pete’s open garage where I ducked in for a lull. Weather is a beautiful thing.

seeing clearly

Outdoor guide to clairvoyance and clear vision: The best method to keep blood, sweat or raindrops from your eyes is to wear a brimmed hat. A rolled bandanna tied across the forehead works equally well. Keep your head down. Eventually, droplets will roll into your eyebrows and even though it tickles avoid all temptation or urge to wipe with the backside of your hand. Try a head bop instead. Touching the eyebrow will destroy the natural channeling effect by matting the hair and displacing its natural oily characteristic. If this happens you’ve had it. Seek shelter and a dry soft terry cloth towel.

what’s in a word

Witness a public divorce of by press release: …UAL on Wednesday filed an emergency motion with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois seeking a temporary restraining order to prevent Atlantic Coast from unilaterally terminating the contract… Strong arm tactics against one of its supplier contractors. What precipitated this?…ACA provided United with a notice that it believes that United is not in compliance with the terms of its United Express agreement as a result of delays in establishing rates for 2003… I think that the “notice” was likely printed on a law firm’s letter head and most probably had words like breach of contract in it! Further in the same statement: …ACA believes that United’s action was unnecessary since the Company has not sought to terminate its United Express agreement over this matter at this time…. Wow! the, at this time, is some kind of hedge! No wonder UAL had the panic attack.