All posts by cs

what’s on

CSPAN2 was not programmed on my remote. I never gave it a thought. But I have been alerted that it may be worth my while to tune in. And it’s true (thanks Mom!) that BOOK-TV has potential. I watched and interesting review with author Jennet Conant, and her book Tuxedo Park: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II . On the other hand came next was a real downer. Some scholar from Johns Hopkins speaking before a group of scholars about a book he had written about a scholar. Booorrriinng. I switched over to Discovery Channel and learned what to do/not to do when confronted by Black Bear. Rule No. 1: Never turn tail and run away. This only serves to confirm, in the mind of the beast, that you are no longer a threat but PREY! He is likely to charge and run you down. Try and back out of the situation slowly. Literally walk backwards. Avoid eye contact. Some folks have tried removing trail packs and flinging them off to the side hoping that the bear creature would become confused or distracted perhaps takeing a greater interest in the food stuffs therein. Bad idea. You want that pack strapped to your backside where it will serve as protective barrier between you and teeth and claws (see playing dead). Do not squat down or lay down. Only play dead as a last resort — if the bear has already let you have it. Pepper spray seemed a terrific defense…

So much information right to my armchair via the remote.

suitable for children

The Electronic Entertainment Expo in So Cal was a topic on GoodMorning America this a.m. Instead of letting us peek at some of the spectacular achievements in the computer gaming world, they hi-jacked it putting their own self serving political spin on the story. The theme became ‘violence against women’ as they showed clips from Vice-City and some Kung-Fu fighter action. What they failed to point out to the audience (drawn in out of context) was that (and every gamer knows this), in these shoot-um ups anybody can be a victim. Probably a disproportionate number of men get killed. But nobody complains about that… In the case of the female opponent: Yes, in the clip it was a loosing battle but that doesn’t have to be! The game designers are sensitive to this. Heck! They want women to buy and enjoy these products too. All story characters male, female, or monster have design attributes featuring varying strengths, skills, agility – advantages and disadvantages. Nobody has them all. And all are fragile. (unless you discover the ‘god’ cheat mode, heh heh) The woman in this clip was loosing, and yes when you loose the red pixels fly, but not by design. Anyone (except the monster) can be the winner. Even the girl! It’s player’s skill.

The World Society of – – –

I had no idea! I thought it was a school yard thing… There are actually rules and strategies. It is decision making, wits, speed, dexterity and strategy between players who are unable to reach a decision using other means. The result of which is considered binding agreement between them. RPS !

network nuance

I built my own LAN, and learned to administrate, but have no clue as to the how or why of it. The nuts ‘n bolts are P.F.M. Furthermore, there are homotrons running amok that have caused a glitch. At around prime time each day the Internet goes down. The computers still talk to each other but for some reason the email stops and most web sites become inaccessible. A cry of disgust will ring out from some corner of the house and I become Nick Burns, Office Computer Guy, taking full blame. There are so many possibilities, and I have no diagnostic means. Is it my ISP — somehow detecting excessive usage and blocking ports? Some kind of incompatibility between firewall, spybot software, ad blocker, or antivirus? S’mans online game, (quirky resource hog) Everquest ? The cable modem? Network Router? I’ve tried to sleuth the system by isolating PCs, rebooting, cycling power to the hardware and have learned nothing. Until yesterday when the trail turned hot. I’ve got it figured out that task scheduler allows Microsoft’s Windows Update to phone home once each day. Just happened to coincide with yesterday’s internet freeze. Could this be? Anybody? Anybody? Beuhler?

war report

The battle is not over, we are not claiming victory but the coalition is making progress. You will learn however, that chemical weapons WERE used. Naw — this is not a rehash of political commentary. This is about the homeland. The ants are invading kitchen and pantry. I tried the squash under thumb method, but for B.O.U.R.Gurl, that wasn’t cutting it and “Barney” an estimator from Exorbitant Exterminator Co wanted a 12 month contract. So, armed with a leaky old pump sprayer and Ortho’s Malathion-50, I laid down a perimeter barrier on the outside. Fortunate thing. That stuff smells bad — like a Georgia Paper Mill in the summer time. Worse, my exposed hands were wet from the stuff. I’m not poisoned but the stink has been on me for 2 days. Collateral damage. The pesky critters have been beaten back. For now.

any landing that you can walk away from …

I experienced the worst landing of my career on the flight home last night. No, it wasn’t one of mine, I was in 14D 🙂 Usually when the pilot plants-one-on people will snicker or the FA will make some wise crack on the PA announce on the taxi in. But this was beyond embarrassment. The fellow across the aisle gave a short shout when we hit. The aircraft’s tail skid struck the tarmack and made a most gruesome rasp. ‘nough said. Full spine compression. My neck hurt.

slip and slide

The last obstacle on the ‘ride around the lake’ is a rather sheer traverse down the face of a dam. The rider’s style is to hang ones fanny out over the rear wheel. This distributes the weight aft lessening the chance of an end-o (end-over-end). I was briefly into it when I realized that there were influences that I hadn’t factored properly. The grassy slope was newly mowed (scalped close), and soft red clay mud exposed. The surface was treated with heavy moisture from last light rain, fog, and mist. Whooop! Both wheels slid out and down I went. Not a header. The angle gap between upper torso and the steep terrain merely closed up. That’s all. Mud and dirt fouled body side and moving parts. No injury to report. Nothing to see here folks.


Number One Son, the inventor, conceived and constructed this idea. You recognize the tooth brush, the back of which is precision drilled to interference fit the black rubber tube. Secured to the brush handle and plugged into the other end is a standard squirt tube with tooth paste. It’s all neatly packaged in multiple wraps of duct tape. One just squeezes a little to force out the paste. It’s easy and as the name implies — Inna Rush Brush!