All posts by cs

SEA layover

Passed up the Holiday Inn buffet (w/omelet chef) because it seemed a bit pricey for a breakfast at 9.95 in lieu of a known entity: Denny’s uniform, consistent, bland, standard, generic, manufactured meal 5.99 – add orange juice 2.40 (ouch!) – for a tax and tip Grand Slam Total of 10.17 (!) Wha’ happened: Trick – The smiling hostess politely offers you coffee or juice as you are taking a seat, handing you the plastic menu and you cheerfully accept. Discovery Surprise – coffee/juice is NO longer included in the price of any of the menu fare. There are options and large was the default — for this sucker… Solution – “Naw, just a glass of water”. Better still, the Holiday 💡

Next mealtime. A hole-in-the-wall spot. Called the “Happy Hut Teriyaki” restaurant, it’s located on-site at the Jet Motel. Sound like adventure fun?

Google Earth Placemark

a song(s) for my head

I’m only about a third of the way into the A’s and 3500 songs to sample…
Listening to sweet Alison Krauss & Union Station – ‘Let Me Touch You For Awhile‘ whilst navigating media directories. This chore is easy with WinAmp Pro and a nifty plug-in iTunes clone, ml_iPod, interface. Assigning ratings and building playlists. Hold up! The Allman Brothers Band – Whipping Post is playing now. Crank it up !

news scoop? or phake out…

Jornal de Negócios Online :: Empresas –
English News

The Portuguese State will buy FLYi Inc

Lisbon – A source from the department of transports said that the Portuguese state is very interested in buyFLYi Inc. The state company TAP -Transportes Aéreos Portugues could launch a takeover to FLYi Inc. This plan of the takeover of FLYi Inc is the same that TAP did with the Brazilian airlines VARIG. The same source said Portugal’s TAP will supported its plan to invest in debt-ridden American airline and keep the loss-making national flag carrier flying. The source said the Portuguese State could notifie tomorrow the Portuguese National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) that it was willing to waive the condition of a 75% minimum acceptance level to which its public offer for the acquisition FLYi Inc shares was subject, taking into consideration that the response received will be sufficient to develop the business project pursued through the takeover bid. The Portuguese State will launch a takeover bid for FLYi Inc with the payment of 1,5 euros for each of the that responded to the tender offer, this initial offer could reach the limit of price of 1,85 euros for each share of the american company. The same source said the deal would not affect Portugal’s public deficit and would allow FLYi Inc to maintain its domestic services.

Better start brushing up on that Portuguese!
Eu gostaria de uma cerveja por favor :mrgreen:

protected by lawyers

Evidently, a few X-Box(s) got toasty and Microsoft decided to go pro-active and organized a recall campaign. Our replacement power cable arrived a few days ago and it is beefy. Over-engineered with integral sensors and warning LED as well as built-in circuit breaker, test and re-set buttons. It came with an 11 page “X-Box Protection Cord Manual” too. This assures that my son’s gaming platform won’t go up in flames. Good liability insulation. In the bigger scheme of things, I wonder if their action (fix) will raise the bar and (all/most) future consumer appliance will now come so equipped.

Heck. FORD (singed by it’s SUV roll-over controversy) is now recommending that tires be replaced every _____ months regardless of wear and tear (!). How long before the other car owners manual has adopted similar fine print.


Oh Sure! Drop ME like a hot potatoe! S’man had just hit me up for us to go to lunch when the phone rings and his buddy, Grant, suggests that they make use of S’man’s brand new drivers license to go fly — effectively by-passing dear ‘ol Dad , who is no longer needed 🙁

real time web and are blogosphere buzz words worth getting aquainted with. They are websites that specialize in social bookmarking, categorizing and indexing weblogs. Google is not the only way to search you know…

Example: I’m an interested in Apple Computer’s announcement last week about their shift from IBM/Motorola to the (windows xp) Intel processor. And, does this news mean that I will eventually be able to buy and run the acclaimed Mac Tiger OS X, as an alternative operating system, on one of my non-apple PCs? Is Apple about to expand/reclaim market share from Microsoft? Do I want to buy Apple shares?

A google search on this topic reveals some recent info mostly from brick and mortar but a Technorati search will return the latest scoop. Further, I created a watchlist which furnishes an RSS feed on the topic. Nifty. The returned hits are current and fresh. Instant information.

SAN layover

Go left. Find famous Balboa Park. From 6th St. and Laurel St. is the Cabrillo Bridge. Stay on the grass and keep it to your side as you traverse downhill, through the Dogs and Owners Off Leash romp area. Discover a park utility road which crosses under the bridge for a nice jog route. The park is 1400 acres and I presumed that there was more than botanical gardens and old museums. Google searches turned up tease phrases like Old Bridal Trail and Florida Canyon but the route that I describe is not well marked and certainly not advertised. Local knowledge only and this is the way to see San Diego in the wild. The majority of this run parallels the old Cabrillo Highway [163] so the natural aspect is spoiled somewhat by the dull roar and din of traffic. I did cross many trail forks leading through ravines filled with flowers and Coastal Sage Scrub. ( One such diversion led me to a shanty, and not wishing to intrude, a quick 180. If the well-to-do dwellers on the rim above only knew… )

Google Earth Placemark

some direction

From the 7th street hotel, do NOT turn right. The view is fine from the top of this hill but descend into San Diego’s Gas Light District at your own peril. Low class tourism, trashy street urchins, barbary coast urban decay, and expensive restaurant pricing await thee. The city is trying so hard to remake this section of town, and they’ve succeeded in pockets scattered around. But it will take a few many more visitors and their dinero for a successful transformation.