We’ve settled into a sense of routine, if you can call gourmet meals morning noon and night, that. This morning, after a nine laps around the promendade and watching the sunrise, we filled up on Eggs Florentine, English Bangers, and cheese filled Blintz(s). After a day and night of laid back sailing and seeing nothing but flat sea and the occasional ship passing in the night, it feels wierd to be thrilled by seeing small fishing boat objects and sight — Land Ho! We’ve maneuvered close ashore, raied the black shape and dropped anchors. The ship maneuvers and backs slightly to allow them to bite whilst empty local water taxis circle in anticipated frenzy. Abaft abeam is P&O line’s Oceana and to starboard is the MS/Explorer of Seas. Time to goop up with sunscreen. Hello and welcome to Georgetown!