Category Archives: places


The Chappy Beach (private) club is the vistor’s first landmark. There are many expensive estates, none of which are viewable from the road by common folk. This low on the tourist radar – country loop is a quiet jog / bike ride, as the island accessible by water taxi can only convey cars 3 per trip. The Litchfield Rd section is washboard packed sand (too soft for a street bike). 5 miles.

Total distance: 5.65 mi
Average speed: nan min/mi
Download file: chappaquiddick.gpx

Cape Cod

There are cross road choices which necessitate a route map as the Province Lands bike trail meanders sand dunes. Despite the lands end location these mountainous drifts obscure the seascape. Paved 5 mile loop with no soft shoulders.

Total distance: 5.74 mi
Average speed: nan min/mi
Download file: cape cod provincetown lands.gpx

Philadelphia FlarePath

My initial read was peripheral airport support, taxi stands, arterial freeways, and remote parking but I stepped from my hotel island on an airport perimeter trek and found recreation anyhow. Fort Mifflin and Hog Island Roads border active runways and reed shrouded water front. Traffic is light and wide soft shoulders offer relief. I ducked through these rushes for a view of tanker ships, and on the distant shore of the Delaware River, BP Oil and the Mobil Refinery in New Jersey.

Total distance: 3.11 mi
Average speed: nan min/mi
Download file: PHL.gpx

Glacier Park Intl

10 minutes into this run and buildings and road noise are distant. Not that Kalispell is a metropolis; a western outfitters store is browseable and the antique shop too. A grain elevator raises tall just past that. Locate the Great Northern Railway of NW Montana – Rails to Trails Historical Route which cruises open pasture land views. Montana is fine summer country. [ g-map pedometer ] A separate run through Lawrence Park briefly stays with and then crosses the inviting Stillwater River as it parallels Kalispell’s Whitefish Stage Rd. suburbia on paved greenway. Local knowledge informs that Californians have discovered its reasonable value. [ g-map pedometer ]

Total distance: 5.64 mi
Average speed: nan min/mi
Download file: GPI.gpx
Total distance: 5.65 mi
Average speed: nan min/mi
Download file: GPI 2.gpx