This late summer afternoon jog offered rich views from pathway edge.
.01 mi – 2 hotel employees smoking dope in closed car
1.4 mi – unique overhead perspective of passing freight train, big bore diesels belching
2.0 mi – boy and dad fishing beneath overpass
3.2 mi – lazy houseboat rumbling by
3.6 mi – teens in swimsuits gathered on granite embankment looking for courage to make that Acapulco swan
3.7 mi – massive Rockwilder led off to the side agitated jaws — lady on the other end of teather well protected
3.9 mi – early leaves beginning to turn and fall to earth
All posts by cs
don’t mess
B.O.U.R.Girl ran into a baring teeth stray on the trail backside. Everyone’s hackles went up and she collected a weapon for a chance mighty swing when the cur mutt wisely backed down. Course it may have helped that she’d just finished reading: The Red Zone
family ties
On an airport appreciation break and trying to escape the usual food haunts my crew and I wandered over to big brother’s cafeteria. This a foreign land and our uniforms make us obvious. Careful with the eye contact so as not to meet an evil eye stare challenge we lean against the wall outside the security door. Some good folks come along allowing us to tailgate inside. The obliging Captain (with the door keycode) recognizing our hat emblems remarks smartly. “oh I see how it is… If (when) you guys cut away from big U… how you guys gonna eat?” I didn’t know. And was that figurative — get thru the door to the buffet? or literal — put it on the table?
a three hour tour
Yah mon, you guessed it. Remind me to check the tide tables next time. Oh, and all of those ‘red right returning’ nun buoys and green daymarkers could be helpful do ya think? Nice shortcut through the spoils area. We were punished. The rudder, prop and keel were firmly mired. We know this because we neatly exhausted ourselves trying to push – tug the dead weight toward mocking channel pilings none too distant. We flopped back aboard after fruitless exertion realizing that we were defeated — and still stuck. A friendly chap in a dinghy cruised past offering assurances. After an hour in the silt, nature let us go. Very humbling and humiliating.
Say! We had a great time though (despite the learning curve). Gorgeous waterfront homes, scenic green wetlands with graceful long legged birds and uninhabited secluded strips of white sandy beach that we paused at and sunk our bare toes into. We motored from Wrightsville via the ICW to Snow’s Cut and then northbound up the expansive Cape Fear River for Wilmington’s downtown. We found a transient dock at the Hilton waterfront and a nice lunch at an Italian Bistro. Grabbed saltwater taffee from a shop at the historic Cotton Exchange. Wind and sea air in our faces.
The sailors’ life for me!
Christmas wish list: a depth finder 😉
tech support
I didn’t catch the title. Help me here folks… Co-stared Cameron Diaz and Penelope Cruz didn’t survive at the box office but WAS a great movie. Tom Cruise is a descent actor. The script was excellent. The plot, a twisted who-dunnit which blends a bit of Matrix and Beautiful Mind with dark love story. A movie for the head.
B.O.U.R.Girl found herself charged with 3 dogs for a morning hour, two of which were hyper and ill trained. Unleashed to the backpatio deck would have spelled property damage. A 3 mile jog through the park circuit whipped them in line. All she was missing to complete the look was a white | black spotted fur.
denial of service
Not front page news for everyone but the network is unde siege. By morning, my inbox will be maxed out with ‘wicked screensaver’ and ‘re:approved’ pif attachments. What a royal pain. The SoBig.F mass mailing worm doesn’t go away until Sept. 10 unless somebody figures out a way to kill it sooner. Business (mine) is feeling this one.
HBO (cable) had a docu-special on the ‘famous’ Ali – Frasier fight March, 1971. My recollection of the match, live, was that it was big. Two great, powerful men. Lot’s of money at stake. Lot’s of media frenzy slash promotion. That’s basically all it was, but history replay is quite different today. They say it was about the black man trying to rise up. Uncle Tom. Handsome and crafty, ugly and stupid. Draft dodger vs. establishment. Maybe those were east coast issues. I missed that part.
pot calls kettle
Our FA, savvy to the left-over Krispie Kremes in the lobby kitchenette, decides to rescue a couple. They are a bit stale late in the day but 20 seconds in the microwave performs restoration. “U want one too?”,she asks the FO. “Naw —” he says. “I’d go right to my hips…” he jabs. He helps himself to some fresh fruit from a basket instead. She downs them lustily but at 0500 the next morning, when we again meet it’s breakfast. She’s has a memory like a trap. Our hapless FO has his’ self a plate full of split biscuits smothered in Chip Sausage Gravy. EuuuEeee. She’s still smarting from yesterday… Do you think she took her best shot?
work ethic
Enthusiasm is the best way to explain it. Since the announcement of ‘operation independence’, there is a decided shift in mood with all hands pitching in and going the extra mile to get the job done right. Today after having arrived late, due to ATC and traffic congestion, we got a 19 minute turn (a pitstop — from arrival to departure — deplaning, general servicing, re-fuel, and reboarding). At-a-way!