She apologized profusely, profoundly embarrassed. Stale pot of coffee in one hand, with the intention of disposing down the lav, the FA swung the door wide to expose one of our pax relieving himself. I told her such an event has happened at least once to nearly (all newbies) everyone. She won’t visit the “aft cabin” now without an instant replay in her head, I’ll bet.
All posts by cs
to see list
I discovered a great URL for Movie and TV titles. The IMDb is a searchable database and I’ve reached in and probed my memory and come out with a favorite list of classics and mini series that I’ve previously enjoyed and may now begin to catalog. Here is a partial random sample: Captain Ron (1992), Bad Day at Black Rock (1955), Goodbye Charlie (1964)… Seen this one? The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984) or: Ballad of Gregorio Cortez, The (1982)
Another great internet visit is the site and its A to Z archive list. I’ve harvested a grand catalog of Masterpiece Theatre and Mystery! episodes that I have watched or wish to.
leaving a mark
The Wikipedia is a Wiki. This tool allows you or I or anyone knowledgeable about any given subject or topic the means to add or edit content — In this case to the world’s free encyclopedia on the web. The Wikipedia has umpteen thousands of pages currently posted on topics. Even so, If you search Wikipedia for a given item and come up empty handed then write about it and save it to the site. Who knows, other collaborators might jump in and help you to flesh it out. Kind of like leaving your initials carved into the picnic table. Here is a contribution: The Mercedes-Benz 220SE. I’m not an expert authority but I do come from a generation that remembers the era. Go ahead! Jump in!
flyi media
In case your VCR fast forwards through the commercials… You may have missed these: The Business Trip Spot. Or, this one? Terminal Madness. Here’s a 60 sec. radio ad: Airport Bar.
shake it out
Fixing one thing can make something else worse (If it ain’t broke don’t fix it?). B.O.U.R.Girl, in attempt to keep her car free of hair and paw prints, spread a garage blanket in the tailgate of the Pacifica so dawg could ride along. As she laid this out there sprang from the security of the folds a mighty cock-roach who stunned by the bright of day lingered for a moment and then made a bee line for the louvers of our car’s return air vent. The creature was irretrievably slurped from view to lurk from somewhere amongst the inner environmental workings. “Where does that vent go?” she asked disgustedly. “Directly to the driver’s seat!”, not resisting an obvious tease. I suppose I could have put on a proper show and emptied a can of roach motel down that vent. Too late in hind sight. That critter has surely made his way to the front vents by now.
Google beat Microsoft to the punch on this one. Finally, a fast ( .5 seconds ) way to search for stuff on your pc. The Google Desktop beta brings order to your local machine by indexing the 8,074 emails, 9,731 documents, and 5,332 viewed pages in my browser cache. Stealing the thunder.
Careful though… There is a potential privacy issue, should a guest access your machine. There should be a means to enable / disable the search function and password protect. What if you use a public computer that has this tool?
lost in translation
I’ve cracked the books to learn the following new values:
Rote memorization. These mangled numbers are max weights for zero fuel, landing, takeoff and, ramp. Too bad we are not on the same page as the Europeans. These weights were nice (easy) round numbers at the Hamburg DaimlerChrysler Aerospace plant with Airbus using kilograms. Onward and upward: max certificated cruising altitude – 39,100 feet – wingspan 111 feet 10 inches…
Spacely Sprockets and Cogsley Cogs
Fearless Leader (CEO) poked his head into the crew shack to catch me totally off guard cooling my jets and immersed in a scrap of day old newspaper. “Here’s a hug” he has a bag of Hershey’s chocolate. “It’s the only one that you’ll get from me today”, he quipped. There goes my promotion… I should have been doing something useful like throwing bags or line busting rather then getting caught chewing gum.
on the radar
Buzz words like newsfeed, aggregate news reader, RSS, XML, ATOM — all describe innovative means and ways to dish up news or editorial content without all of the fluff. Internet users want their information direct and fast and these new tools usher in a new way to cut to the chase. Reminds me of the early minimalist world wide web when ALL web pages had gray backgrounds, black text and blue underlined links. Folks are returning to the basics. While web page presentation graphics, flash, and animation enhance the visual appeal, XML feed will save bandwidth. The cool factor however is that not only can Joe NetCitizen be published, he can become syndicated! Already, portals like and a href=””> can present these syndicated feeds by subscription. Ultimately, your email client will be enabled. What began with the blogging community will mature with Google, Amazon, Mozilla, and Microsoft.
left right
Syntax as V.P. Cheney is now keenly aware is soooo important. During the debate he encouraged the listeners still on the fence to surf visit: when what he meant – should have said was — BIG difference ;-o