The Discovery Channel can be good entertainment. The task for this episode’s crew (an all female group — well, actually half were Rosie Riveter types and the other – SuicideGirls) was to convert an old Cadillac sled into a demolition derby entrant. They got real creative with some iron black widow spider-web treatment for the windows, knife like daggers for the tailfins and a massive steel cowcatcher grill guard. All of this hype looked really trick on the studio set but if you observed closely, all of their hard work and ornamentation was stripped off for the final event. Derby cars, aside from their safety fuel tank, race harnesses and required removal of bumpers and glass, must be stock.
All posts by cs
Here’s a computer artist rendition showing the Airbus A319 with i airline livery.
All of us age in dimensions three
psycho’, bio’, and chrono’ logically.
Dominion we have over our thoughts.
Nutrition and excercise eliminate “pots”.
The calendar, I concur, is beyond control,
but if we never tell, who’ll ever know?
So please realize, as happiness you pursue,
how old you are is all up to you.
poem by Estee
(all rights reserved)
in motion
Of visual delight
Of each moonless night
From every setting sun
And coalesced them

Motion for Preliminary Injunction
– United and Mesa acted in concert and conspired in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act to eliminate ACA as a low-cost competitor based at Washington Dulles International airport. – PRNewswire-FirstCall A serious accusation. Hail Mary? or Treble damages – score for the White Hats?
fly i
does not compute
Struggling with the laptop, I was trying to swap the CD ROM drive for the floppy drive. These drives share the same bay and can be interchanged. An application allows a hot swap without dealing with a reboot or plug-n-pray. But, no amount of coaxing and repetition could convince Windows to recognize the new drive. I tried removing hardware and re-installing drivers. I tried google. No joy. I gave up. As a work around, I went to another pc on the network and enabled sharing of its media drive. Loading my CD on that one I was able to access it.
Next challenge: upgrade to Norton 2004. This latest includes anti-everything. For some reason the install did not overwrite my 2001 version. ( ! ) There was no explanation nor option just a single line saying that anti-virus was already installed on my system. Nevertheless I continued to follow the dialog box prompts out of curiosity to see the outcome (and partially because I thought I’d screw it up if I aborted). The end result was 2001 and 2004 in series in the system tray. Norton appeared to function but my outlook express, which is intertwined, balked. I used the remove programs utility to uninstall 2001 and then reinstalled 2004. This solved the email glitch but now the Norton app is hinky. Need some help here.
A cheeky web site, AERO ( which stands for – ACA Employees Repelling Ornstein ), tauntingly greets Ornstein on its home page. And, should he visit the site: “Oh, and hello, Johnny. Glad you stopped by. You’re going to lose…” [article]
Happy Birthday Dad!
I love you man
that last step was a lulu
B.O.U.R.Girl was nearly spilled off of the stairs landing when the step gave out. Geeeezus. Luckily no bodily harm, just the crushed board. No termites but an inspection revealed under sized nails that weren’t up to the architect’s specs. So that was the big project of the day. R & R the entire staircase. No more sagging, misalignment or squeaking. And no law suits neither.