All posts by cs

Heathkit 1

S’man and I are doing a s l o o o o w build on a new machine. It will replace our 1998 Windows 95 clunker. Not knocking. It’s just been left in the dust by the latest in planned obsolescence. In stage one of our project. I ordered the case Ah so! CoolerMaster – Wave Master deluxe all aluminium!


You know that you are in the south when:

  • on our iOpener flight this A.M. a passenger boarded the airstair with newspaper and a styrofoam bowl of grits
  • overheard on the terminalwide page — “Attention in the Terminal! IS anyone HAS lost a cell phone?…”

love stinks

Not a wet horse blanket, but the downstairs always has a trace of kennel smell. Hound dawg spends nights there. This morning: faint Pepe Le Pue. I thought what’s he done… But there at the breakfast table right in front of my nose was the culprit. Aromatic flowers, the variety of which I know not. It’s a deluxe and beautiful bouquet just delivered from the florist. Happy anniversary darhling !

it’s no thang

People, like cats, would appear to be averse to precip and�wetness. The dawg doesn’t care. A jogger doesn’t mind either. Running can be enjoyed in all seasons. (as long as he has a hat for the brow) Yesterday’s fine spring weather brought showers after only a mile or two of my lakeside trail loop. I was not concerned except for the fact that my car key, an electronic gizmo, was riding in my trunks and trying to maintain a reasonable dry state. Mental note: bring a plastic sandwich baggie next time. I became worried that the car would be immobilized. The battery cell powered FOB is the only way to gain access. A keyhole is a thing of the past… B.O.Y.R.Girl came to mind. Her arm band mounted MP3 pod didn’t take to the rain at all. The ear phones now exclusively play the sounds of the seashore. Phsssst. Does the U.L. test for these events? Loaded up with mobile phone, digital camera, pocket pc — it could get expensive without an umbrella.