View from the slow lane

The leg from Atlanta to Burlington is too far for a single charge. There are a Level 2 chargers enroute and this looked like the only option. Ultimately I stopped at the Ivy Acres RV Park as they had a “bigger hose”. I would pay $5 per hour but the wait was reduced by 2 hours had I stopped at the Level 2.

To minimize charge waiting, as these chargers are a slowly flowing spigot, I wanted to conserve energy. This is done by driving very slowly. 55 MPH was a safe target speed. Although 45-50 would have been even better that might have been unwise. Other drivers tend to exceed the posted 65-70 limit and wiz by. It was interesting watching them decide lane choices and to jockey for position. With an EV, traveling at a higher rate of speed only extends your charge time if charging at a snail’s pace. I experimented with a hypermiler technique while cruising the right lane. I waited for a slightly faster Semi Truck (one with the aerodynamic fairings on the trailer to pass me by then position close behind and match speed so as to draft (NASCAR style). The big rig breaks the wind. Aerodynamic drag is the biggest energy consumer for any vehicle and this trick was good for about a 15Wh/mile advantage and at the same time allowing for a +5 mph gain in forward progress. Naturally you don’t want to be unsafe and 200 feet in trail is considered minimum I believe.

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