All posts by cs


I think that the new California Gover’nator has the support of the electorate with his most excellent victory. Congrats. I think that he has allied himself with some sharp people that will offer him good advisement. He will use his willpower, personality, celebrity to rally and bring together those who can help him fulfill his campaign promises. People were skeptical of Ronald Regan (the actor) at first too. But, look at all that he was able to achieve. He doesn’t fit the typical bureaucratic model. It’s a welcome shock to the system. Not only does it affirm our American dream (that anybody can be somebody) but to the status quo, it’s a huge wake up call. Go Awhhnolt!

medical renewed

Like a dairy cow in the milking barn. After awhile it becomes routine and one knows what happens, what comes next and what to do. The nurse knows me as does the examiner as does their office manager. I walk through the inner office door. They hand me the cup. I know where to leave it. I head for the weigh in scale and even slide the weights without prompt. Next is the eye test machine. Squint. Then the interview and exam and finally an EKG and then checkout payment. Text book. Every 6 months. A well known drill by now.

a white knight

“Meanwhile, industry sources said billionaire Richard Branson, founder of London’s Virgin Atlantic Airways, has shown interest in investing in Atlantic Coast and helping the airline maintain its independence.” [story] The point is: United’s lapdog, Mesa Group, has put the stock ‘in play’. There will be others [Skywest?] that take notice and join the fracas. I marvel at the term industry source. Euphemism for rumor.

get out and get under

An old tune referring to the reliability of the early horseless carriage. Catch the PBS documentary on the ultimate test of a motor carriage (man and dog too). Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson drove his 1903 Winton across the country under impossible conditions. He was the first to achieve this in an automobile and made history on America’s first road trip. There were other contenders that year: The Packard Company and also Oldsmobile funded factory efforts but Horatio’s drive prevailed. SF to NY in less than 90 days.

lo flo

Some businesses take it to the extreme. The Club Dbbl Tree, Des Plaines is one. The flow restrictive shower head takes the zing out. For some it’s that first jolt of coffee in the early morning a.m. I require a good blast of hot water to jumpstart my day. Equipped with an empty spring water bottle of known capacity, and a pda handheld with clock timer I measured the output. Point 75 gpm. A new low benchmark. Where is my Leatherman tool? I could uncork that sucker.


Or aircraft number is 667. Previous in the sequence is aircraft number 665. What? You say we missed 66_ . Yes. It’s like the 13th floor. The elevator doesn’t stop there. Aircraft number 667 is the 14th floor.

out of cigarettes

The FA bailed again! Claimed her ear trouble popped up once more and she had to get off the trip. Suddenly it dawned on me that it wasn’t a relapse at all. She’d been living out of her feed bag. This in itself is not unusual. Many thrifty folks brownbag. I do as well. Leftovers, sandwiches, fresh fruit, trail mix, water bottles. I load my roller bag. Terminal food can be mediocre and pricey. I can actually pack for 2, even 3 days. In Jan’s case it was from need. Payday was just a few days ago but I don’t think she had any cash left and if this was true, she was also out of food and wondering how she was going to face the day. Sorry I didn’t recognize her plight ’till too late. My bad.