America’s Cup

When everyone sounds like a Kiwi, it is amusing for our ears and sounds quaint to hear the TV announcer proclaim a win for “the Americans”. Some sleuthing  on Team USA reveals a bio. Of the 24 crew members listed only 2 of these 24 are from the United States.

Some background: In 2003 Bertarelli’s team representing the Swiss yacht club, Société Nautique de Genève (SNG), beat all her rivals in the Louis Vuitton Cup and in turn won the America’s Cup 5–0.  For the 2007 Cup, SNG rescinded all interpretive resolutions to the Deed (rules), essentially leaving “constructed in country” as the only remaining nationality requirement.

Thus, a land locked country with limited sailing resources can recruit from a competitive pool.
The athletes from which they draw are all mostly professional contractors making a living from the sport much like individual tennis players or pro golfers.

Where as the early day races were all about Yacht Club pride and which wealthy yachtsmen owners could out spend whom; the current focus is on letting more countries and nationalities participate for the benefit of the sports genre and for community in a commercial venue sense.

I guess team spirit is part of any sport as spectators need someone to root for. More people can support a team if we reference them to a place, albeit city, state, country.This is something that they can latch onto and identify with. i.e Cleveland Browns, Dallas Cowboys. Its about $$$ and growing the franchise.

Yay! Americans. All part of the game.

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