No secret that on the anniversary of 9/11 that many people are not buying advance seats on flights. In response most carriers are cutting back on these flights to match demand. Spirit Airlines however, in a brillian move, announced all seats *free* that day! This is classy PR and not as costly as you might think. You see, those who ‘buy’ these free tickets will likely also purchase a return ticket back home. (so it is really only a half price fare sale) Spirit, with an estimated layout of 500,000 for this promo, has achieved some serious bang for their buck in media exposure and good will. Will the traditional players take notice and jump all over this marketing idea? Until now they’ve been trying to downplay the gloomy black day. Staying indoors and sulking. Spirit has the right idea with the ‘thumb your nose’ — ‘in your face’ celebration. Cheers!
Bravo, Spirit Airlines! You are so right, strombotne,com. Me Me